I am afraid of falling. Not because of the dive but because of that flat end. The full stop. The pain of a drawn breath that cannot be exhaled. But I'm also convinced that sometimes we need to lose ourselves and let ourselves fall to grow wings.

When at the beginning of March I set out on a journey travelling the magnificent Wonderland of the West my sole ambition was to return as someone else, someone other than she who left. It became a strange and wondrous trip, a journey full of adventure, of magical encounters, and in the forthcoming texts I'll try to tell the tales of this trip – my fall down the rabbit hole and back.

Since all the conversations (and eventually thoughts) were fought feverishly in english, and I don't want anything to be lost in translation, I have chosen to write in english even though it's not my own tongue.

I will make mistakes to be frowned upon. But before frowning remember that I'm like a nervous high school student fooling around, fumbling, making out, with english. Clumsily fondling her with a beating and yearning heart.

There's only one way to get really good at things – practice. And writing and kissing has at least this in common – that the only way to practice how to kiss is to kiss. To write.

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