Nothing is as frightening as to reveal oneself, 
make ones desires known to the world. 
Paralyzed with fear and at the same time
filled with a desperate longing
to paint with all the colors.

I natt, i väntan på spårvagnen efter konsert och Springsteens mäktiga mäktighet. Kanske en kommentar till modet hos denna beundransvärda musiker som stod så innerligt inför den tusenhövdade publiken?

[2/100] This is an image in my 100-series. The project consists of self portraits and started out as a daily task but currently I try to fit it in whenever I can on a regular basis. It's my ambition to take 100 self portraits until midsummer 2017, commenting and conceptualizing, experimenting and learning, and most of all – working what I got.

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